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Part 1: Strengths & Limitations This section consists of 30 4-word clusters. For each cluster choose the one trait that best describes how you behaved AS A CHILD. Try not to focus on how you wish you were, or how you would like to be. Remember, your first impression is usually the best.
Part 2: Situations This section consists of 15 situations with four possible reactions to each. Pick the answer that relates most to you. Again, your first impression is the best answer.
If I applied for a job, a prospective employer would most likely hire me because I am:
When involved in an intimate relationship, if I feel threatened by my partner, I:
For me, life is most meaningful when it:
As a child, I was:
As an adult, I am:
As a parent, I am:
In an argument with a friend, I am most likely to be:
If my friend was in trouble, I would be:
When making decisions, I am:
When I fail, I feel:
If someone crosses me:
Work is:
In social situations, I am most often:
In a relationship, I am most concerned with being:
To feel alive and positive, I seek: